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    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Well shucks -- I completely missed my opportunity to blog an April Fool's joke on Saturday. *sigh* However, I haven't missed the opportunity to let you know that tonight at three seconds past 1:02 (and also tomorrow afternoon at the same time), the date will be 01:02:03 04-05-06. An important notice for all of you numbers watchers and collectors of arcane infobits.

    As Simple As Snow by Gregory Galloway
    Anna/Anastasia -- the new girl in town. Goth, slightly spooky, with a hobby for writing obituaries and a penchant for odd books, houdini tricks, mysteries, tidbits of information, and postcards -- and she hooks up with the most normal boy in school -- because he obviously needs some excitement in his life -- and unlikely though it may seem, they make a happy couple -- mix CDs, ghost stories, riddles.... Until a week before Valentine's Day she disappears, leaving only a dress lain out across the iced-over river and plenty of questions -- and are the answers in the pieces of conversations, letters, music, activities -- each word, each action of the last 5 months seems significant.
    I loved this book! I definitely recommend it for the high school set. The writing was compelling, the story intriguing, and the ending -- well, I'll let you discover that for yourself! A fantastic read!
    YPB G

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