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    Thursday, February 02, 2006

    A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl by Tanya Lee Stone
    One school year, one bad boy, three girls who let him under their skin and into their blood -- these are the stories of Josie, Nicolette, and Aviva -- and "LT." When Josie first falls for LT, she falls hard, harder than she -- a strong, smart, pretty, confident girl -- should or had ever considered. But when he goes too far and then dumps her, she vows to warn all the girls in her school about the bad boy. Writing a warning in the back of Judy Blume's Forever in the library, she begins to pass notes around to all the girls in school. The warning is taken and expanded on by many, but two more girls get taken through their paces -- desire, love, pain, anger -- and eventually realization.
    Written in free-verse poetry, this is a super-fast read -- I think I read it during the course of a lunch hour and a break, and did enjoy it -- we all seem to fall for at least one bad boy over the course of time.... Three stories, individually told, definitely capturing the emotions of girls smitten, broken, and pulled back together, stronger than they began. There is some sexual content in the three stories.
    Y FICTION Stone

    Had a great Biblionix meeting today. One of the members gave high marks to The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B Dunkle. We spent some time talking about romance books that deal with monsters such as werewolves, vampires, etc. Decided that three, if you like a little romance with your blood and fangs, to try would be: Sunshine by Robin McKinley, Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause, and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Our next B meeting will be on Feb 16, after school, in the high school library.

    Need something to fill your time online? Try planarity, a deceptively difficult game of points and angles....

    That's it for now. Happy Thursday!

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