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    Monday, May 23, 2005

    STORY #2
    As promised, here's the second in our series of random story exercises from our writing group:
    I miss you, oh moon. For you have decided to hide form me. Is that places that I hide to keep. There are a lot of things I took from him that he said I couldn't keep but who cares, they're gone and he's gone, so I'm good. OMG, I don't remember where the sloths are on antidepressants and the monkeys have ADD. It's an unusual kind of zoo, but one where many children go to MJ's house. Anyway, Rachel decided to save the children by ...! * "Everybody down!" she screamed.
    Bah humbug. It was not good. The decision had to be made. With another, "Bah!" he raised the rock and threw it in the pond.
    Yeeeah. The End.
    *Once again, slightly edited. Sorry Dan.
    Our next writing group in June will focus on poetry and song lyrics. Keep watch for information.

    Yesterday, just for random information services, we had the lowest number of visitors (10) since early April. We had the highest number of visitors ever (62) on May 16. International visitors come from Malaysia, Turkey, Switzerland, Russia, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, India, and even more. Welcome, one and all! Glad you visited!

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